author Reto Eggleston

The name of the:
Reto Eggleston


  • Pain in the lumbar region turns life upside down, deprives you of comfortable sleep and limits your options. What causes such discomfort and what should be done? Read more.
    9 August 2022
  • Why lumbar osteochondrosis occurs: the causes of the inflammatory process. Symptoms and signs of the disease, stages. Treatment methods and preventive measures.
    22 August 2021
  • The pain in his back, why, and who is most likely to occur? The symptoms that you would have to apply to go to the doctor. You should consult with a neurologist, a modern method of treatment of pain in the back.
    29 July 2019
  • Pain in the back is so "popular" the problem is that to talk about that nobody wants. However, it is necessary to tell about this to check, before we can say with certainty, that it hurts, really back.
    6 September 2018
  • Causes cervical lymphadenitis; classification of the disease, cervical lymphadenitis in children; lymph node inflammation in pregnant women; the Main methods of diagnosis of pathology; Therapy; primary prevention
    4 August 2018
  • Etiology, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, and prognosis
    26 July 2018