Why is the pain in the back

The structure of the musculoskeletal system is designed so that it is not a muscle without bones, nor bones without the muscles do not operate in isolation from one another. Therefore, if the spine of the muscular system is weak, and the back problems is not going to be a long wait. In the first place, it is starting to suffer the attitude and the person feels discomfort during a variety of activities. But, of course, is not in any pain in the back, explaining the weak muscles of the corset, and low physical activity. There are a variety of promise for the occurrence of episodic and chronic back pain.

Episodic pain

the pain in my back

Episodic pain in the back, which is called a temporary phenomenon, appearing suddenly and disappearing without a trace. These direct attacks are not associated with a serious illness, or serious bodily injury, but it can also be a sign that the body is experiencing discomfort or extreme stress. If it for a long period of time, to leave the body without attention, episodic pain can develop into chronic. Think about what you need to be careful in this type of situation:

  • Excessive muscle strain. A long, high-load episodic pain can become chronic. It is easy to see a gradual deterioration in the health of the avid gardeners, gardeners, gardeners who spend a lot of time hunched. Of course, the work on the ground, it has its own benefits, so it is important to alternate work with rest and the proper distribution of the load on the system. They often begin to interfere with pain in the back of the removal of the "excessive" weight. Don't forget that the heavy lifting has to be in a sitting position and, therefore, are the main load goes to his feet. But, if you have to lift the load in the usual way, bent over at the waist, and it is the main burden of the age of the spine and the problem will not keep itself waiting long. But don't you think that it is, in the absence of the physical overload you're an independent pain in the back. Spending a long time in one place in front of a monitor or TV, is also detrimental to the spine, and work on the beds. So, starting to notice a "problem" with your back to include in your daily routine of exercises for the back and, again, a way of life, and the unpleasant sensations will disappear.
  • Sedentary work, long trips, and the uneasy position of the body while you sleep. All of these factors lead to the episodic low back pain, painful sensations, which may become more difficult, and more and more. It should be understood that improper posture leads to compression of the blood vessels, reducing the flow of nutrients to the muscles. So do not forget that each and every time to do the workouts or exercises for the back. However, it has problems with an uncomfortable place to sleep, it is necessary to solve in principle, this could lead to the development of osteoarthritis.
  • Hypothermia. Spending a long time outside in the cold weather, draughts, wind, and air-conditioning systems can lead to hypothermia. The consequences of such a situation is "lumbago" in the back, or a sharp pain that does not allow a person to move freely (lumbago). In such cases, it is necessary to apply a healing ointment for dry hot areas, and to provide a period of rest. When strong feelings are encouraged to be legitimate.
  • The stretching of the muscles, bruises, and injuries. The prevention of falls and injuries that can cause back pain, but proper treatment can prevent the consequences. Minor contusions are treated with rest and analgesics, to injury, which leads to the loss of the disks and other serious problems that need hospital treatment in the hospital. After a serious injury, the back pain can be a constant companion and go into a chronic phase.

Chronic back pain

Chronic back pain should not be ignored, which may indicate a disease of the spine, or a "mistake" in the functioning of the internal organs. Self-treatment is not acceptable, because of no health care, it can be a person who does not properly identify the source of the problem, and therefore cannot take appropriate, effective treatment. The main causes of chronic back pain may include:

pricin pain in the back
  • Myalgia. Banal hypothermia can develop in the chronically inflamed tissues, which is called myalgia. Inflammation of the tissues of the muscles puts pressure on the nerves which lead to aches and pains. It is not reversible myalgia leading to a loss of sensitivity.
  • The pain in the lower back. The disease often occurs against a background of excessive muscular exertion, sedentary lifestyle, wrong diet. Osteochondrosis caused degenerative damage to the joints, loss of flexibility of the spine, and the shortening of the distance between the disks.
  • The intervertebral hernia. This pathology is more common in people over the age of 40; it occurs due to compression of the spinal column. To cut down, not only to the distance between the vertebrae, but also to the destruction of the intervertebral discs. This painful condition can be successfully treated, which is the most important thing, timeliness, and perseverance.
  • Spondylolisthesis or bulging vertebral discs. In this case, it is impossible to carry out manually to a course of treatment, it is necessary to do an MRI and a consult with a neurologist.
  • Ankylosing spondylitis, or the inflammation of the ligaments and the joints of the spine. Often, a person feels the pain of the pain in the lower back. The disease progresses rapidly and spreads to the entire spinal column.
  • The curvature of the spine. First of all it is a slouch when, scoliosis, kyphosis, and.

Take care of yourself, because any disease is easier to prevent than to cure.