Back pain which doctor to contact

If back pain what doctor to address – the question of interest to many people faced with unpleasant problem. Especially with age, pain in the back, it seems that more and more, if not solve this problem. This can have different character: sharp, aching, drawing. When the "horrible" feeling, a feeling of discomfort, a person has thoughts, back pain, which doctor to turn to that will help in dealing with this disease. First you need to understand the main causes for this condition. Only a qualified doctor can correct diagnosis, which is based on a careful review of the test results of the conducted research.

pain in the back

Causes of back pain

To examine the main causes of pain:

  1. Disease, neurological (herniated discs).
  2. Curvature of the spine.
  3. Pleurisy.
  4. A nodule.
  5. Problems with the kidneys.
  6. Different problems with internal organs.

All of the above reasons, encouraged the patient to think about which doctor to go, if your back hurts. Would not this serious obstacle to getting the help of a professional in the field of medicine. Don't forget, that without timely treatment, a miracle did not happen, so you need to as soon as possible go to the doctor. This should be done above all a problem in this area was not to be repeated and become stronger over time. In some cases (if it is a misunderstanding of a correct diagnosis) can cause deterioration: hypothermia; lifting weighty objects; infection.

If you have a chronic illness and back pain which doctor to apply this question should be easy, make an appointment with your doctor. Different diseases can cause pain of a different nature, then it is necessary to take into account. For example, if you have in this moment, the excruciating pain, then it may be associated with inflammation of muscles need help neurologist.

What doctor to address, if the back is sore and there are stabbing feelings? This issue may occur due to a number of diseases in the respiratory or urogenital. In such a situation will need the help of a urologist or pulmonologist. Stabbing in the back can also be referred to for the reason that the person has strained his back, but if back pain neurologists will help you.

The question arose, what doctor to address, if pain in the back, if you do not know. The backbone is the doctor involved in the study of the spine and its diseases. You need to carefully examine and an overview of the disease.

You have sciatica or low back pain, hernias and back pain, what doctor is necessary in this case? This will help the experienced neurologist. It may also diagnose the inflammatory process.

That doctor asked if the pain in the back, the cross in women? To the gynecologist, as discomfort, we may be talking about ectopic pregnancies or inflammation of the reproductive system. In addition, even a perfectly healthy pregnancy may be the main cause of pain in the lumbar region.

If you constantly have back pain receive appropriate medications can be prescribed by only the name of the doctor, who has already put the correct diagnosis on the basis of the results of the survey analysis.

After a fall from height accident back pain doctor will examine you carefully, do not hesitate to visit the expert. Otherwise, the consequences can be very serious. If the person got serious injury, then think long and not necessary, necessary to call an ambulance. This will be the right decision.

Severe back pain what kind of doctor will help to cope with this phenomenon? If you do not know who to call, make an appointment with the therapist. Before you come to the doctor, the sooner you can get rid of the disease, which can be a long wrong.

If the neurologist is not a diagnosis, but still the pain in the back, what kind of doctor treat where to turn? Make an appointment to see the urologist. Is the cause of the problem may signal to patients, who poorly working kidneys.

A sudden, sharp pain in the low back physician will help eliminate, but it will take some time, it is to be used for detailed studies of the body and obtain accurate test results.

If you need an endocrinologist — a doctor treating back pain, associated with adding deficiency, which include, for example, calcium, hurry up to come to him and management.

the cause of the pain

In this case, if due to arthritis or osteoarthritis appeared back pain, which doctor to contact? In this situation, which will help you to an experienced rheumatologist. He carefully examines the connective tissue. Sore back where to turn? Of course, you have to hurry and get a doctor's appointment in the clinic, entrusting your health to these workers. Should you not deal with the question of pain in the back, what the doctor is necessary, the medical center will help you, of course, it is recommended to turn to experienced specialists.

If you say that you are worried about the old injury, back pain, which doctor to go to for help? Here you will carefully examine the surgeon, he explores the problems of the past, perhaps it is to throw out your back when working hard.

Back pain, pain in the back, who to contact in this situation? An appointment with the oncologist because of the discomfort (the pain in the low back), can the tumor as benign or malignant nature. Don't hesitate, will an experienced expert.

So, if you have a question, back pain, what doctor to address, first of all make an appointment with the GP, he will refer you to a specialist (neurologist, urologist, endocrinologist).

If pain in the back, that the doctor must be used

On the question of what doctor to address, to back pain, the answer is clear to experienced specialist. Of course, when first confronted with such a problem, the earlier that you did not give any diagnosis, then you need to make an appointment with an internist, General physician. Only then, when the doctor to carefully examine you and will ask a few clarifying questions, you may need to consult other experts. If back pain welcome to the following doctors, you'll need:

  1. Neurologist.
  2. The doctor - urologist.
  3. The gynecologist.

Each of these professionals carefully examine you and determine the appropriate research to be confident in an accurate diagnosis. This will depend on your further treatment.

If you are constantly troubled the back pain which doctor to ask for advice and recommendations. If the reason lies in the condition of the spine, then you'll be working with a true professional in this field, experienced spine. In this case, if there is a pinched nerve, the nerve tissue is irritated, it seemed, that the inflammation, then you should look at in the office of the neurologist. When, however, the main problem in the condition of the internal organs, then you need to consult a cardiologist.


To find out the causes introduced pain need not only medical examination but also a number of additional studies, without which it is impossible to present a full picture of the encountered problem situation. Each patient can be assigned:

  1. Radiography of the spine.
  2. The analysis of blood and urine.
  3. Ultrasound of the hip joints.

With these tests, you can exclude some of the disease and give proper diagnosis.

The treatment of back pain

Developed a few methods for eliminating pain:

  1. Manual therapy.
  2. Physiotherapy.
  3. Massage.

In difficult cases it is impossible to do without a surgical intervention. In addition, the treatment will need to be special, the doctor prescribed medicines. Help to reduce the pain. Physiotherapy treatments are also equally effective way to get rid of the unpleasant pain. In the presence of financial capacity, can afford to relax at mud cure resorts.

Thus, only a holistic approach will help you to quickly and efficiently deal with pain in the back. Do not neglect the advice of an experienced doctor, the only professional on the basis of their experience, knowledge prescribe treatment that will help prevent negative consequences.


If you don't want to deal with the pain in the back, it is important to pay attention to the following relevant and easily implementable recommendations:

the prevention and treatment of
  1. Sleep on a pretty firm bed with a soft pillow.
  2. Always keep proper posture, strictly follow the given time.
  3. Do not need a long time to be in the same position (especially if it is uncomfortable for you). If you work on your computer, then take small, frequent breaks, during which you will be able to stretch, to move.
  4. The correct classification in the workplace, everything must be as you can conveniently: be sure to a chair with a rigid backrest, it is best if it has armrests, a headrest (this will help a little, tilt your head and relax tense muscles). Do not forget that your forearms must lie entirely on the table, that will not somewhere in the air, in the air.

Girls need to focus on shoes with high heels, you do not need to walk in these shoes for more than two hours per day. Will not make sharp bends or inclines, avoid sudden loads. In this case, if you need to pick up some items, it is best to sit down a little and to cope with the task, than to bend over. In addition, if you for some reason have a long time to stand, for example, a few hours in public transport, then you need to find yourself a support, you can easily rely on. Strictly obey its own weight, the extra pounds have a negative impact on the health of your body. See the regular physical education classes. This has a positive impact on your situation. Swimming and fitness also play an important role in taking care of yourself.