Why back pain when standing for a long time

Lower back pain is known to almost everyone. It is hard to find someone who at least once faced with this very unpleasant symptom. Sometimes it is enough to sit in an uncomfortable position for some time, that they are pain in the lumbar region of my spine. But this is not a serious problem, it is only the result of a long stay in an uncomfortable position. However, severe lower back pain almost always has a specific cause and a reason to go to the doctor. Not always diagnosis is expected, because low back pain is only one of the possible problems, lower back pain.

What to do if hurt back

Why is a sore lower back and what to do in such a situation, it is not difficult to guess. The doctor will make the diagnosis and determine the cause of the pain, and then it will be necessary to start treatment.

Pain, syndrome – primary and secondary

Understanding why pain in the lower back, we must not forget that the causes of such pain are estimated at tens, and a lover will never be able to determine the real source of the problem.

In general, the medical classification separates the primary and secondary pain syndromes, which may affect the lumbar region.

The primary syndrome back pain appears as a result of skeletal changes. He is the reason that the vast majority of cases of back pain in the lumbar region. The most important category of causes – degenerative-dystrophic changes in different parts of the spine:

  • osteochondrosis, which is damage to the bones and connective tissue, this disease is to die of the character. When it affects the discs between the vertebrae and an adjacent vertebra, it begins to the development of chronic diseases of the spine.
  • inflammatory disease is form of osteoarthritis, the disease affects the joints between the vertebrae, which are responsible for mobility of the spine, or articulationes synoviales.

Secondary pain syndrome has many different causes of pain:

  • scoliosis, which is curvature of the spine, as well as some other growing pains;
  • inflammation with non-infectious nature. For example, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic disease, etc;
  • the tumor located in the vertebra, in the spinal cord or in spatium retroperitoneale, regardless of whether it is primary or due to metastases;
  • fracture of one or more of the spinal vertebrae. This is perhaps one of the most serious causes of back pain;
  • a variety of infectious diseases, which lead to the defeat of the vertebrae and the discs between them (tuberculosis, brucellosis, etc);
  • diseases of the heart, which is a serious disturbance of blood supply of the spinal cord. In this case, you can also feel that pain in the low back;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, acute appendicitis with atypical anastomosis leakage, ileus;
  • often back pain is reflected in nature. The same problem may occur when some diseases of organs located in the pelvic area. For example, renal colic, venereal diseases (gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, adnexitis – all these diseases are cause reflected pain in the lower back).

What is acute and chronic pain

Perhaps the problem is not in the lower back

Back pain is also divided into acute and chronic, that can cause many different problems and diseases, such as nerve endings and the spine. Frequently observed and displaced pain – the translation of pain sensations from other organs, which is located much deeper. In other words, the person who thinks that pain in the lower back, although it is actually a problem in quite another part of the body. But most often in the lumbar region, the expected pain from the pelvic organs, pancreas, kidney, colon, or tumors located behind the peritoneum.

Usually people do not know what to do if pain in the lower back. But it is good to understand what not to do is self-heal . Causes of pain varied, a correct diagnosis can only specialist, and the constant use of painkillers (which many believe to treat) would hurt.

Causes of acute pain

Before you decide what you want to do, if really pain in the lower back, any serious doctor will first determine the cause of the pain that will appear. The reasons can vary, but most of them are somehow associated with the spine.

One of the most simple and harmless causes of pain – acute past a pulled muscle. In this case, the source of the pain are long muscles in the attack. With this problem pain rarely "pay" in other parts of the body, severely restricts the mobility of the person. This cause is very frequent, often with her face athletes and people whose work is associated with a variety of physical activities.

Spinal injuries can be the cause for pain in the low back.

Another common, but much more serious consequences, the source of the pain is a fracture of the spine, especially if we are talking about compressed fractures of the vertebrae. This often happens in the case of unsuccessful downs and other back injuries. But, if the person is suffer from diseases of the endocrine system, osteoporosis, Paget's disease or have tumors in the spine region, a fracture may occur unnoticed by the patient, as they say, "out of the blue". And people don't even know when the fracture happened.

Not less unpleasant situation, when a sharp pain in the lower back is the offset of the discs between the vertebrae in the lumbar spine. Symptoms of these problems include severe back pain that can restrict mobility. Most often, the pain caused due to compression of the nerve roots. Signs such compression are:

  • disorders of sensation;
  • disappearance or significant reduction of the heel reflex;
  • the absence or reduction of the intensity of the knee reflex;
  • unilateral radicular pain.

One of the unpleasant trends in this problem is that such a shift can lead to pathology of the vertebrae below. As a result, the pain below the waist can interfere with the function of the rectum and the bladder. Localization of pain above the waist is also possible in certain cases.

Acute back pain can occur as a result of arthrosis of the joints between the vertebrae. In this case, is the cause of the pain is the compression of the spine to exit the spinal canal, the disc between the vertebrae is left intact. This syndrome usually occurs as a result of an increase in the upper and lower facets between the vertebrae of the joint, which is in a narrowing between the vertebrae the hole.

A focal lesion of the area of the spine is one of the serious disease, which causes severe pain in the lower back. This disease requires urgent diagnosis and immediate treatment, and recommended all of the very effective measures, including surgery, the main thing – quickly to eliminate compression of the spinal cord.

Disease of the hip often leads to acute pain in the low back. For are characterized by pain radiating in the lower part of the waist and legs to the knees.

Causes of chronic pain in the low back Spondylosis deformans

One of the causes of chronic pain is the change of the spine. In this disease the changes occur in the vertebrae of the lumbar spine. At the end of the narrowed channel of the spine, and the bony spines beginning of the pressure on the nerve roots. Pain pain may be accompanied by numbness and weakness in the legs and other neurological symptoms. In any case, you will need a full exam, the results of which will be the final diagnosis.

Ankylosing spondylitis - a chronic systemic disease of the joints, which can also cause chronic pain. This shows, drawing pain in the lower part of the back, appears and quickly develops a curvature of the spine in the thoracic. The first symptoms are limiting and reducing the movement of the chest during breathing.

Often the cause of pain in the low back of cancer and metabolic disorders. However, benign tumors can cause chronic pain that is not accompanied by neurologic symptoms.

Osteomyelitis, can also cause pain pain in the lower back, the pain can be very long.

The spread of pain, disease,

With the defeat of organs of small pelvis usually appears pain. The cause can be endometriosis, for example. In men, this pain may be occur in chronic prostatitis.

A variety of kidney diseases causing pain at the shock of the spine and the ribs.

Problems of the digestive tract (tumors of the duodenum or of the stomach, the pancreas, diseases of the hollow body), is called the pain in the region of segments T10-L2.

The lower parts of the back hurt also in chronic disease of the mucous membrane of the colon, tumor colon and bowel disease.

Pain in the lumbar and thoracic can also occur due to aortic dissection.


As you can see, pain in the low back can cause a number of diseases. While very often people do not even expect that the problem will not be there, "where it hurts". So, even if you have pain in your lower back not constantly, but from time to time – don't wait, contact your doctor . Every disease is easier to overcome in the early stage, and not when it is in bad shape and will bring a lot of complications.