Why sore muscles back

Muscle pain in the back can be caused by injury, sprains, myositis, or degenerative disk disease of the spine. There are a few other reasons, but these are high-end. We propose to give them more detail. After the treatment the pain in the muscles of the back cannot be effective without timely and proper elimination of factors that cause.

So, let's start with the fact that you have sore back muscles after the considerable physical loadings. This can be a basic of fatigue or exposure to extreme loads, if it is properly prepared for the training of the muscle tissue. To prevent a similar situation in the future recommended:

Sore muscles back
  • be sure to make full warm-up with stretching exercises for muscles and tendons;
  • to stay hydrated (drink plenty of fluids during periods of intense physical exercise, as dehydration of muscle fibre leads to the risk for the development of microscopic tears and lactic acid buildup);
  • increase physical activity gradually strengthening and training the muscle fibers;
  • that does not (at least at the beginning) under the guidance of an experienced instructor.

If you already have muscle pain in the back, then you need to stop physical activity. Apply on the affected area the cold for 2 - 3 hours. Then use a special warming ointment, which improves the peripheral circulation. If you are sure that there is no sprains and small muscle tears, it is possible to use the heat and hot compress. Pain in the back muscles in the sports of overloading usually takes place within 3 - 5 days. If in this time you will feel better, you should seek medical help.

Clinics chiropractic you can use the services of a professional masseur. Therapeutic massage will speed up the recovery process of the muscle tissue and prepare it for future exercise.

Other causes for back pain, muscle

There are also other causes for pain in the back muscles. This can disease of the spine associated with poor posture or destruction of the cartilage of the intervertebral discs. Meet the pathology associated with the deposition of salts, the formation of osteophytes and other etiological factors of deformation.

Osteochondrosis back pain the muscles occur in the acute phase. This reflexive process of tension of the muscle fibers, which the body tries to compensate for the load, and to ensure that the relative peace of the affected part of the spine. This causes tension and a sharp pain the muscles that support the particular spine.

Back massage

Particularly intense muscle pain in back cause of the protrusion and a herniated disc. These diseases are associated with injuries and nerve pain. On the background of the evolving pathogenesis for sciatica and radiculitis (inflammation of nerve tissue). Disturbed innervation and narrowed blood vessels in the conditions of swelling of the soft tissue only aggravate the situation.

The second most common cause of muscular back pain - myositis. This disease is characterized by inflammation of aseptic etiology foci in muscle tissue. Occurs taking into account the exposure drafts, with a worsening of some chronic diseases, muscle injury, such as stroke.

Prolonged exposure to the traumatic, including the infectious factors, the intercostal nerve endings neuralgia occurs with tenderness muscular fibres. Intercostal neuralgia is characterized by unilateral localized and sharp pain that increases with deep breathing.

The treatment of muscle pain in the back

If you have any muscle pain in the back, the treatment should start with the differential diagnosis of the disease. Depending on the final diagnosis, you can use the methods of traditional medicine.

With myositis, sprains and tendon apparatus, intercostal neuralgia can be done, therapeutic massage, reflexology, a complex of special physical exercises. All this together will help you to restore your health and to get to further sports training.