The correct posture of the student who is the subject of concern for parents and doctors. What is the situation and how the curvature, which affects the health of school children — will be discussed in the article.
Posture, which is set up in the growth and development of children from early childhood. The student with the correct posture, should not have any deviations prescribed anatomical standards. People with properly planted posture, seen from far away. Head keep always straight, they are easy to walking back is not curved.
Incorrect posture in school
A pre-determined congenital or hereditary features, and also the transferred diseases, injuries. Such pathology may be the result of a sedentary life. Students in class sitting at a Desk, at home — learn lessons on your Desk. In the school day, for an average of 5-6 lessons, the child will fatigue. From the stillness decreases the perception of the curriculum.
Often incorrect posture in school children due to the fact that long-term sitting on the Table, causing the stagnation of blood circulation. Tired back muscles, spine, neck, legs. On the signs of fatigue, says the slumped shoulders and the head, the movement of the chair. All these factors negatively affect the proper formation of the posture of the student. At an early age child has the ability to go active, since joining the school, which is already sit more.

Kids need to explain about the importance of properly adopt a position on the Table. During the execution of the written work the shoulders, must be disclosed if you want to be at the same level and head slightly tilted. The student must be able to relax at the Table in those moments, when the teacher explains the lesson. In the meantime you can relax and rely firmly on the back of the chair. Observation is important, the princes, problems with posture can be avoided.
As the curvature of the posture of the
A list of the main reasons that lead to poor posture:
- transferred earlier injury or disease;
- neglect of the active life;
- insufficient feedback on lessons of physical culture;
- is the difference the standards of the desktop in connection with the growth of the students;
- fatigue during prolonged sitting;
- the wrong position on a Table;
- inadequate lighting in the workplace;
- problems with vision.
To avoid the manifestation of problems with posture, which is to eliminate factors which distort.How to determine a violation of
Incorrect posture that occur in the body: unnatural slouch, the asymmetry of the location of the shoulders, the belly bulge. In medicine this phenomenon is characterized as curvature of the spine, what is scoliosis. Identify and recognize the mistakes, posture in the school will help to save the child.
The survey is conducted in the standing position. The heel should be placed together, the fingers of the plants at an angle of 45 degrees. When an infringement has been detected, which extends from the canons of anatomical symmetry, it is advisable to study the back of the x-rays. This should be done to detect abnormalities of the spine.

Visible signs of the disease may worsen the disease, which can arise due to changes caused by posture. A systematic search of the child at the Desk in the incorrect posture is complemented with a secondary, more severe symptoms. For example, one leg may be shorter than the other.
Scoliotic postureThe curve of the human spine, which are formed already in early childhood. All violations that arise due to the impact of the last number of adverse factors. At the time, without noticing a problem, the student will acquire additional curvature. As a result, in adult life it will affect the health. In scoliosis the spine is bent to one side, usually the right.
If congenital scoliosis is all clear, as it can be the result of genetic predisposition. With acquired disease much worse things could be. Sometimes the parents do not pay attention, that is a problem for many years. If a violation does not inform in time, through corrective exercise and control specialists can easily restore.
Exercises for posture pupils
Simple exercises are in the form of a warm-up to relieve fatigue and stress of the spine. Interactions with physical systems for the formation of correct posture of pupils, it is possible to achieve significant results. For the execution of the exercises recommended along with their parents, or independently. The complex is as follows:
- Stand with the buttocks pressed against the wall, standing close together, heel, and then move the hands to the sides at shoulder level. Palms forward, to simulate the side with his hands on the wall.
- For correct posture of the child enough, to stand exactly on the wall. Lift the arms up, stretch back. For count from 1 to 10. Relax the lower arm.
- Exercise in the prone position. This is necessary to be stretched after the body, arms, and legs. Based on the belly and chest, at the same time lift the arms and legs. Good results can be achieved, if the position of the hands and feet for a few seconds. Return to the original position, repeat the exercise.
- Lying on his back, to simulate Cycling. The legs must be at an angle of 45 degrees. To do manipulation with intervals of one minute for 10 sets.

More complex of physical exercises for correction of posture is better to perform only under the supervision of experts, teacher or doctor.Prevention of postural disorders
Is excellent prevention will be a self-control situation back into position and seating. The back should always remain straight. When prolonged sitting is necessary to take a break, you can lean on the back of the chair or stand on the walk. If necessary, adjust the height of the table is comparable with the growth of the child.
In a standing position to better distribute the load, leaning alternately on one and on the other leg. Instead of a long stay in one place, it is useful to go back and forth. Lift the bag or dropped on the floor the subject is not necessary to tilt the back, just sitting, bending the knee.
He sat down on a Table or chair you want the child back tight against the backrest. The lesson, he sits upright, not tilting forward, back and head. The feet must stand on the floor. Otherwise, under the table have to put on the feet or handle workplace.

Do not underestimate the damage to the shoulder. Wearing such accessories is the backpack and pose a direct threat to the curvature of the spine. Explain to the child how the correct posture, which is important for the students, it is recommended to give more recommendations.
Guidelines to improve postureFor proper posture for school-age children, it is helpful to consider the following rules and to perform simple recommendations:
- must be well organized sleeping place, the presence of an orthopedic mattress and comfortable pillows;
- do not forget that the wearing of shoes, depending on the size of the feet;
- lack of physical activity, active games, walking is also a big plus;
- it is unacceptable to stand or sit on one leg;
- a negative impact on the implementation of the heavy loads, it is not necessary to fill out the portfolio with unnecessary books.
In order to develop the correct posture, you need to take into account the recommendations and use the existing methods that were developed for its improvement.